
Underground music and pop culture through the pains of existence...

Destroy//Exist published its first post on the first day of 2014, and since then it has been striving to cover the finest in underground music, emphasizing on the dark side of alternative rock, shoegaze, post punk, extreme metal, experimental music, electronica and beyond. A few months after its inception, the site became a handpicked member of the Hype Machine list.

Destroy//Exist is being run by its founder and head writer, Stace Zombie Rust, who has been working in the music industry for over twenty years. With the occasional help of very few supportive contributors, D//E has steadily become a small, yet, considerable voice in underground music and the genres it covers, championing rising acts early, and exposing music and art of the highest quality.

Destroy//Exist will never run sponsored posts.

If you approve of what D//E does and would like to support our site, you can do so by following our social media accounts, our playlists and by sharing our content.

Artists, labels and publicists could support D//E by sending pitches for consideration through the excellent service that is Submithub via either Premium or Standard submissions; we value both equally. Although not everything is accepted, we appreciate every single submission we receive. From our end we ask you to not take rejections personally. Our humble opinion doesn't intend to insult anyone.


Stace Zombie Rust (ZR) // Head Writer (Founder)


Iri aka Rouble Rust (RR) // Contributor, Content Editor
Arthur Jonas Combs (AJC) // Writer
David Diadem (DD) // Writer
Robin S.  (RS) // Writer (Co-Founder)

Destroy//Exist's previous and current logos and graphics have been designed by Zombie Rust and Rouble Rust. Contents of this blog © Destroy//Exist 2014-2024. All rights reserved.

Copyright Notice

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for non-profit purposes such as criticism, comment and news reporting. For purposes that go beyond “fair use”, no part of this website may be reproduced without express consent from the authors/owners of this website. Short excerpts may be used on websites or forums, provided that credit is given to Destroy//Exist and link back to the original content. Content may be used for research purposes provided full credit is given to Destroy//Exist and the original content’s author. Content used for physically published material must contain full, appropriate and specific credit to Destroy//Exist and the original content’s author.

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